How to overcome the constant feeling of emptiness
It feels like I’m falling apart, and yet no one seems to notice the voices I so clearly hear. I look around, and there’s just me, alone and crippled by this constant feeling of emptiness….
And just like seasons, Bad days are just life's way of making you strong, while reminding you that spring is on its way.
Gaurav Badola
It feels like I’m falling apart, and yet no one seems to notice the voices I so clearly hear. I look around, and there’s just me, alone and crippled by this constant feeling of emptiness….
We all fall, sometimes a lot more than others. But we all do. We fear the fall so we never see the light in front of us. The essence of life is to find meaning even when it feels like life doesn’t have any…
It’s a never ending-walk, this walk of perfection. Even if I give everything of myself, all I will find is a bleak self, unworthy of all the energy I spend towards it.
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