
My world!!

I’m a Writer turned Software Developer and then both…yep, you read it right. I’m a Software Developer by day and a writer by night. I love few things more than a vulnerable conversation, playing my guitar, traveling, journaling, writing and helping people share their story.

My belief is that you are awesome, so I’m only here to help you see it for yourself and make you comfortable doing that.

“I want you to choose yourself, over and over again, no matter how difficult it becomes. I want you to become fearless and move towards your goal without the idea of a society crippling you apart based on an ice-age ideology passed over generations. I want to let you see what you’ve been avoiding, and become comfortable with it. That is all.”

Mental Health is a widely recognized phenomenon pertaining to the emotional state of our mind. I’ll start off by saying, “It isn’t just that.” It is a territory widely unknown to most of us. Further to that, it is one of the hardest things to accomplish.

Maybe you’ve been trying for years to find that balance and calm in your life by trying out all sorts of things, including traveling to a new city, hopping to a new job, or changing places, or googling “What is happiness?”. Or maybe you’ve just accepted that the rumbling noise in your brain will never cease to exist. That stinging emptiness will never fade away….

As much as I love to share every part of my world sitting alongside you, letting you see it on your own and helping you carve your own path would only be half of the story…

That’s because…

our stories are the mirrors from which we perceive the world and most of the time the mirrors we look at aren’t truly ours.

I’ve learned that life is not a zero sum game, and more often than not, the limiting storylines we’re fed throughout our lives combined with our experiences ends up defining our belief system. It feels like running towards an empty horizon.

Without having the answers to a few important questions of life, the journey towards a fulfilling life becomes pretty difficult. Questions like… What beliefs do I hold as true and why? What does happiness and success mean to me? What trauma am I unconsciously bottling down? How do I want my life to look like, and what’s my drive behind it?

See, my aim is to lead you back to yourself and help you recognize the limiting beliefs and storylines you’ve been feeding yourself for eons. No more hiding, my friend. Along these lines, I’ll share with you my lessons and my world view, as well as helping you cultivate the essence of living a fulfilled life with no boundaries.

The TL:DR?

“I believe the journey towards acceptance starts”

from the inside out."

As you’ll discover, I take a holistic approach towards a problem…and then carve a solution based on my experience and statistics. I started writing when I was 13, and it’s just now that I’ve decided to share my experiences and story with the world.

All of this with one goal in mind, “One day, you’ll extend your hand to someone and help them share their story as well, just as I’ll help you share yours.”

I believe that the best way to help others starts with sharing your experiences and story, no matter how insignificant and small you might feel it is. With this blog, I want to reprogram all the storylines, negative beliefs you’ve been carrying for decades, and lead you towards a fulfilling life. 

Welcome to my home 🙂

For All You Visual Learners,


What if...What if you could reload your save data to change your previous choice, like in a game? Would it change your life? The answer is a resounding NO.

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