Navigating Life amid the Coronavirus outbreak: How to stay Mindful and Productive amidst the outbreak

Navigating life amidst coronavirus have become a nightmare for many of us. Amid the rising cases, the uncertainty within us is knocking all the emergency bells within us.
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

“The voices you’re living in fear of will drown you into an endless pit filled with nothing but emptiness. But, the moment you embrace it, the world stops spinning around, and the voices disappear.”

Gaurav Badola

Most probably, you are living in a part of a world that has been infected by coronavirus. And, even if you’re not, chances are, you’re fearful of that.

Everywhere I look, the discussion is about this. Be it WhatsApp, or newspaper, or the neighbor who has no idea what it really is. It feels like everyone is trying to make you go in panic mode. Navigating life amidst coronavirus is becoming challenging day after day.

The news is only making it worse. People are continually checking new articles, trying to find a remedy on god knows how many websites. Fabricated news is regularly being disseminated to further increase stress, misleading people from reality.

Within the past week, India has seen a sharp rise in cases. Until now, India has seen around 7,529 coronavirus cases till now (at the time of posting this article). The whole country is in lockdown mode. The entire world is in chaos.

Navigating life amidst Coronavirus

Am I scared? I’m a human being, so yeah. Especially for my parents, my friends, and myself. But then I remind myself that my fear isn’t grounded in reality. My anxiety is getting the better of me, and combined with all the things going around, it’s making me feel even more anxious, thus fueling this cycle.

I also remind myself to be mindful, to see why I’m feeling this way, not getting distracted by the stories going all around. Being mindful doesn’t mean you’re running away from reality, instead, it’s wiring up your body’s response in a positive manner. It means you’re present and aware of what’s happening around you, and yet, not allowing the world to swallow you up.

With that said, there are better ways for navigating life amidst the coronavirus outbreak. I’ll be listing ways I’ve found to be useful, and what I’ve ascertained from around the internet (things that work).
I’ve divided it into three categories:

The essentials: Things within your reach

Media Distancing

Maybe you’ll take it with a grain of salt, but the more you’ll update yourself with the things going around you, the worse you’ll feel. I know it’s all over the news. TV, social media, and even with friends you haven’t talked to for weeks. So it’s impossible to isolate yourself from the headlines and stories.

The anxiety you’re piling up within you by continuously searching for news will ultimately tire you out. I know it’s scary, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of your personal and mental well-being.

I also know that it’s important to stay somewhat up-to-date on what’s going around you, so I recommend spending around 10-20 minutes a day, preferably around noon, to get acquainted with what’s happening around the globe. Then, switch off whatever it is and start working on something meaningful. Don’t worry, what you can do in that time, we’re going to discuss below.


It’s becoming increasingly stressful for people to keep their thoughts in check while navigating their life amid coronavirus outbreak. I know your mind might be taking you to places you never really wanted to even think about.

The solution: Meditation. This one thing has done wonders for me. And I can tell you, it’s something anyone can get hooked to. Though we all know that meditating is good, now when there is so much panic and fear around, it’s utmost necessary to keep your thoughts in check. You can start your day by doing a 10-15 minutes guided meditation (or if you like sitting in silence, that works as well). The point here is to have a healthy start to your day.

Being grounded in your thoughts will make you realize what’s important to reflect on and what’s not.

Breathe, sit in silence, and listen to your innermost thoughts without any judgment. Then as you get drifted away by your thoughts, gently bring your attention back to your body and breath. The thing is to be gentle and calm with your body. Mindfulness has a lot of benefits in our day to day activities. Make meditation one of your utmost priority these days, well on any day in general.


Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

We all crave someone. That’s human nature. This virus has made it really difficult for people to avoid their thoughts because they don’t have any place to go and avoid their feelings.

Since we all are quarantined, most of us have lost an outlet or an actual physical connection. Navigating life amidst coronavirus seems like one of the biggest chores. It feels like we’re stuck, with no way out. But, now is also the time to acknowledge what all you have.

There are a million things that you could possibly be doing right now, but instead, you’re stuck inside your home. You have no idea of how it’ll impact your life, and you have no knowledge of how long you’ll have to be stuck inside your home. People go crazy living alone for a day, now we’re talking about weeks or even months. That’s more than enough of a reason to be anxious.

Now, stop right there. Amidst this pandemic, you’re still alive, right. This is the time to reaffirm your roots and connect with yourself on a deeper level. Spend time with your family, if you’re currently not living with them, face time them, let them know you’re safe. Call your friends, talk to them, share your anxieties, even risk letting your guard down.
Who knows? Maybe you will discover a side of yourself you never thought existed.


So, I’m not an exercise buff. I used to hit the gym, but I have stopped due to work overload. Don’t worry, I’ve started exercising as well (otherwise I wouldn’t be advocating this stuff).

Right now, it’s crucial to give your body the required workout to rise from this mental stress. You don’t need to do anything complicated or a lengthy drill (if you have the time, go for it). Keep it manageable and refreshing.

Most of us are talking about things we need to eat to combat this virus. I don’t know how many superfoods I have seen on google, smh, claiming how they’re so amazing and beneficial. Yes, giving your body the required nutrients is essential (even more now), but almost all of us are already doing it. That workout you’ve been dreaming of, do it at home.

Don’t act like a slob now, you’ll regret it later. You need both mental and physical conditioning to resist this thing. Just spend 20-30 minutes doing some fundamental activities, and you’ll feel a lot better.

Let your heart be at ease

It’s tough, I know. There has never been a time before that mankind has felt so helpless, even after being endowed with so many blessings. Even when we’re connected with our loved ones, we’ve never felt this distraught.

Has mankind’s greatest blessing become a curse? Hahaha, I don’t know. This might make a great headline, kinda clickbaity though.

But I’m not here to give you that answer. I’m here to tell you to breathe in and let your heart be at ease.


Loving oneself is a journey which take time and years of patience. And with the ongoing crisis, loving oneself have become more important than anything.
Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Okay, so let’s get it clear. We all love ourselves, or I guess we think we do. Now tell me the last time you blamed yourself for things out of your control. Yesterday, today, or at this very moment. It’s too easy to talk about these things cause it’s just some random words. People are always going around saying, ‘You should love yourself, you’re already enough.’ Easy to say for you. Following it is the tough part, or I think the toughest part ever. We all are so critical of ourselves. 

I used to think that if a friend called me and cancels a plan, I would understand his circumstances. But, if it’ll be the other way around, oh my god, I used to feel so guilty. It felt like a crime.

Loving myself has been a journey I’m still walking, and I know how much hard it gets sometimes. But remember,

“You are the only ‘YOU‘ you’ve got. Make sure to cherish it.”

Gaurav Badola

Things might not be incredible, but your heart is still beating. Remember to love your body, in the same manner, you relish a loved one. Forgive it like you forgive your younger sibling or partner. Cherish its beautifulness. It has been there for you for so long, doesn’t it deserve this much?


For years, research has shown that gratitude not only reduces stress but also increases one’s well-being. A 2006 study published in Behavior Research and Therapy found that Vietnam War Veterans with higher levels of gratitude experienced lower rates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

But that doesn’t mean you cannot reap the same benefits. The point of gratitude is simple, ‘Count your Blessings, no matter how small or big.’ It can be just getting to the office on time, or even on a bad day, remembering the joys of all you have within you. Gratitude writing has been proven to make you feel grateful and appreciative of those around you. When you feel overwhelmed by all the bad around you, take a moment and write or think about at least 5 things you’re grateful for. You don’t have to only think about it, you have to immerse yourself in that feeling. It could be thankfulness for your health, your family, the way you’ve overcome your trials, the kindness within you, the people who make your life whole, and so many things. 

You can also feel grateful for finding things in the right place at the right time. I highly recommend it.

Pondering on the past

I was skeptical about writing it, but then I thought, why not. How many of you have contemplated about past events? I have, so I know how blurry the line can get. The pondering here isn’t to make you think about nerve-wracking thoughts and beat yourself about it.

Since you’re alone with your thoughts now, this is a magnificent opportunity to learn something from it. Spend some time brooding over things you’ve put on hold, maybe you’ll find something new. The regrets you have and how you can navigate your life better.

If it gets particularly overwhelming, gently place your attention on your breath, and leave it all away. You can come back to it later. Come at it with an open mind, and from a place of love. You’ll find nothing but beauty within.

Bring out your inner genius (or, as we all call it, the freak side)


Life have give all of us our special-side. Some are trying to figure it all out, while others are waiting for the storm brewing within them. Even then, find your muse, and move ahead. Find that creative energy within you, and better navigate life amidst the coronavirus crisis.
Photo by Dragos Gontariu on Unsplash

Where do you go when you feel like running away? My place is either my diary, my guitar, or some nice old classic running in the backdrop while I try to remind myself of the beauty within me. And as they say, when hurricanes come, no amount of hiding will leave you unharmed, something is bound to get lost.

Have you ever heard the voice of the silence? It’s endearing, scary, and eye-opening. Next time, if your outlet is just Netflix, try to find a different medium to give your thoughts a proper medium to shape themselves. Painting, singing, guitar, scribbling, writing, learning a new skill, anything, just don’t run away from it. Find your voice, paint your thoughts, even if it feels somewhat foolish, if it’s precious to you, go do it. The worse is, you might not be good at it. The thing is, it doesn’t matter. It is ‘YOU’ who gets to decide what you want to do, not the world.


There are many things we face regularly. Some days are filled with pleasant memories, some days with distraught. Some days we feel over the top, some days we appear sunk beneath the hollow end. Life is never constant, and though this is the beauty of life, sometimes it’s too much to handle. What I’ve found useful in these moments is to have a journal filled with your day-to-day experiences. Kind of like a personal diary or a private space, where you can be as much open and wild with your thoughts. You can also write the journey about how you got better at navigating life amidst coronavirus outbreak. From a journey started with fear, and anxiety, how you managed to rise above it, it’ll be privy of that.

In tough times, it’ll remind you of your tenacity and inner strength. Along with that, it’ll also help you during moments when you feel disheartened and lost.

It requires only two ground rule: 

  1. ‘You’ll have to be as much vulnerable as possible.’ 
  2. There is no second rule.

Final Thoughts

It’s far from over, but that doesn’t mean we need to fill our world with anxiety and stress. Focus on navigating your life through this crisis by filling your life with meaningful things.

And as Epictetus said,

“Just keep in mind: the more we value things outside our control, the less control we have.”


So, take the necessary precautions to be safe and go out only when there is no other way out. Focus on things that matter and let go of things out of your reach. Keep your mind, spirit, and heart in perfect health. Keep smiling.

If you liked the post, share it with your friends and family. Please don’t spread any false rumors, only share things based on scientific proof. This is the time to be compassionate and kind to others and to oneself.

Comment below and tell me about your journey and takeaways from the post. I will sure love any valuable feedback. Share the ways you’re using to combat this virus. You can also take a picture of yourself and tag me in your IG photos (@gauravbadola), writing about the measures you’ve taken. I’ll repost a few of those posts.

You can also follow me on Instagram, and if you have any questions, just mail me up through my contact page. Any queries will be clarified. If you have any specific topic you want me to write upon, do write it in the comment section below. I’ll try to get to those topics (if they align with this blog) as soon as possible.



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