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Letting Go
Gaurav Badola

Letting Go: A Paradoxical Truth

With wide arms, I held out a long sigh…it felt good to leave the shadows of my doubts and fears after all. Letting go of past trauma, storylines and patterns doesn’t start from running away from them…it starts at the root of acceptance of our pain and suffering. So, in this post I’ll break down what it really means to let go of something.

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Dealing with emptiness is a process, and one which requires your heart and soul. In this post, I'll break down 7 steps you can use to start uncovering your spark again.
Change and Challenge
Gaurav Badola

7 practical ways to get better at dealing with emptiness

Doesn’t it feel like, sometimes that everything is pointless? The good, bad, nothing feels invigorating anymore. But, running like that often makes you feel like a soul without a soul, filled with grey clouds and haze, a pure prison made up of yearnings and regrets. At times like these, we all want someone to take us back to light again, and through this post, I want you to find that light again, the one you feel you’ve lost ages ago. I’ll showcase you 7 ways you can start dealing with emptiness.

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Mental Health Stigma have been around for decades, and the facts that generally enforce the stigma are mostly skewed and illogical. So, in this post I've broken down ways how we can get rise above stigma and start conversations around Mental Health.
Talking Mental Health
Gaurav Badola

Rising above Stigma: How to start talking about Mental Health

Stigma, comes in all shapes and colors. Sometimes it shows up in everyday conversations and at other times, it shows up hideously as feelings of disgust and fear. In this post, I break down the definition of Stigma, its types, and how we can start rising above it and start conversations around it. We’re all in this together after all.

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Navigating your way amidst coronavirus have become a nightmare for many of us. Amid the rising cases, the uncertainty within us is knocking all the emergency bells within us.
Life challenges
Gaurav Badola

Navigating Life amid the Coronavirus outbreak: How to stay Mindful and Productive amidst the outbreak

Navigating life amidst coronavirus have become a nightmare for many of us. Amid the rising cases, the uncertainty within us is knocking all the emergency bells within us. How we react is more important than anything right now? In this post, I’ve written ways to better equip ourselves to deal with the anxiety and stress during this outbreak.

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